So, What Is Splodging?

Wiktionary rather helpfully defines it as, "presenting a particle of splodge" - a splodge being, "a mark or spot that does not have a regular shape".
If you happen to be from Sheffield, or anywhere in the vicinity, splodging simply means fishing (or angling, to be more precise).
I couldn't tell you why.
It's not a secret or anything (as far as I am aware), it's just that I don't know. Very little seems to be written about it. It just seems to be one of those South Yorkshire sayings handed down from "fatha" to son.
What I do know is that in the context of this blog, splodging certainly does not mean, "a sexual fetish involving foodstuffs such as custard or baked beans", as defined by the Urban Dictionary!
As Mr. Partridge once said, "Oh, Jill. Mousse from a bowl is very nice, but to put it on a person is demented!"

1 comment:

  1. just a moment,a moment to address a known of and yet not fully known word SPLODGING in the early 1960 possibly 1964 ish i made a response to a question asked at work, sort of what did you do on the weekend jeff , answer keith and me went splodging ont torne and we both caught fish roach perch bream ,other friends there were all going to uni at sheffield heard all of this conversation ,and could have taken it with them that day to sheffield and spread the word, so i did invent and introduced a word unknown to me and was given in a question and answer moment off the top of my head it happened in the polyvac lab then tube investments / parkgate iron and steel rotherham a smile came to my face on finding this article , so better times ahead and the art of splodging practices by those in the know, regards jeff pollard
